Livre (96 pp.) + CD + App
ISBN: 9788853015549
€ 9,90

L’Avare et autres pièces

Author Molière
Adapted by Sarah Guilmault
Language FRENCH
Category Graded Readers
Series Lire et s’entraîner
Genre Theater
Level A2
Examinations DELF

Harpagon is such a miser that money rules his life and that of his children. Agnès is a young woman who finds love in spite of her guardian’s tyranny. Alceste is a misanthrope in search of love and honesty. Molière invites us to discover these three characters through his comedies, entertaining yet tragic at the same time.

Le statut de la femme à l’époque de l’école des femmes
La comédie française
Molière au cinéma

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