Book (80 p.) + Audio + App
ISBN: 9788853019424
€ 9,80
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Tartarin de Tarascon

Author Alphonse Daudet
Adapted by Amandine Barthés
Language FRENCH
Category Graded Readers
Series Lire et s’entraîner
Genre Adventure
Level A2
Examinations DELF

In the town of Tarascon, in the South of France, Tartarin is a hero. He’s a great hunter, much admired by the townspeople. But hunting bores Tartarin, and he dreams of adventures in far-off lands. One day, he decides to go lion hunting in Africa… and so begin his fun adventures!
Alphonse Daudet
L’Algérie et l’empire colonial français
L’orientalisme au XIXsiècle

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